Check List for Biden’s Accomplishments FOR DUMMIES.

Books For Dummies: A Key to Information

President Biden has accomplished so much in three years! Here’s a list of his accomplishments that the media may have overlooked:

In no particular order:

  1. Biden has increased the vocabulary of the general public by five words: Hyperbole, existential threat, systemic, autocratic, and resilient. After all, he uses these words in every teleprompter address together with phrases like “not a joke,” “come on, man,” “no joke” and “I’ll get in trouble.”
  2. Increased public awareness of mental decline of seniors and donations to the Alzheimer’s Association.
  3. Unified parents of school age children to lose respect for public education and the FBI.
  4. Unified the public to lose respect for the art of painting, the FBI, and judges.
  5. Unified the public to lose respect for our commanders and The Pentagon.
  6. Brought realization to the public of the liberal bias of several news networks and social media.
  7. Brought realization to the public that President Trump really was Making America Great, not just saying a campaign slogan. And that The Wall and his policies really worked.
  8. Increased the viewership of Newsmax, Gutfeld, Bill Maher’s show, and the movies The Truman Show, Capricorn One, Outbreak, and Wag the Dog.
  9. Increased the sale of guns, fences, security systems, mace, safes, tents, drugs, underground bunkers, and alcohol.
  10. Increased the number of students interested in careers in set directing, stage managers, makeup artists, and sound and lighting engineers. They have a future in D.C.

All good stuff, right? Anytime you can unify people on anything or increase public awareness of anything, that’s an accomplishment. He did promise to unite America; still looking for the promise of dignity and civility, but all in good time.

11. Unified the people into missing $1.80 a gallon for gasoline.

12. Increased the popularity of the name “Brandon” across the globe.

13. Made “soccer moms and momma bears” as popular as it was in the Bill Clinton era.

14. Made “sleeping through a meeting or seminar” acceptable again.

15. Increased the sale of Depends for seniors.

16. Made the “vaccine mandates and discrimination of the unvaccinated” the closest thing to Communism since we fought Communism. Way to bring back the past.

17. Gave new meaning to the phrase “follow the Science.” We’re not sure what it is, but we love alternative meanings to old, boring phrases.

18. Made an investigative reporter for the New York Post a millionaire with the sale of her latest book about his son, Hunter. We love making people millionaires! Keep it up Biden!

19. Got Russia attacking Ukraine, China bullying Taiwan, Hamas attacking Israel, Students bullying Jews, and Kamala bullying her staff. Made bullying popular, finally. Way to go Biden.

20. Increased the number of college majors in Women’s Studies, Gender Studies, and Social Justice so we can pay off their student loans.

21. Introduced Drag Queen Story Hour across the nation.

22. Brought men into competing in Women’s Sports! Way to unite the genders!

24. Chose Transgenders for his cabinet and military leadership.

25. Made antisemitism and Nazis popular again.

25. Introduced the use of lawfare to take out his opponents.

26. Made protesting in colleges popular again similar to Vietnam era.

27. Brought back interest in Cannibalism in order to reduce overpopulation.

28. Used our taxpayer dollars to pay off other people’s loans. Teaching generosity and that young people aren’t responsible for entering into a contract with greedy banks.

All these accomplishments! It’s no wonder he thinks he’ll be reelected a second term!

    American Flag Displayed Until We Take Our Country Back.

    I’ve been hanging out our American Flag daily, not just on holidays or Flag Day or Columbus Day, but rather due to the fact that our country is in turmoil and the American Flag is being disrespected across the nation. I live in a HOA and am just waiting until some snowflake is offended by my flag and the HOA contacts me. They better not!

    Luckily Nevada hasn’t gone too woke YET as I see Trump signs in front of a few businesses. Problem is, lots of Californians move to this area as it is twenty minutes from Tahoe. Once here, they vote Democrat. They come for the cleanliness, beauty, quiet, and law and order but continue to vote like a liberal. Then things begin to change slowly. No homeless encampments, YET!

    Another problem is, the HOA landscape service is mostly non-English speaking foreigners that could be easily be offended by my flag or my TRUMP signs. Also I saw BIDEN signs on a neighbor’s front lawn during last election. Yuck! One neighbor who displayed TRUMP signs had theirs vandalized. So you see, we are currently living in a Democrat Dictatorship (it’s their way or the highway) and until it ends, my flag will fly.

    At some colleges, the Flag is being replaced with Hamas flags and allowed by the college administration. During anti-Jewish protests, the flag is being burned and stomped on. Half of these useful idiots from college don’t even know what they are protesting but have FOMO (fear of missing out) of a movement. They think they are the New Vietnam protesters. How foolish and embarrassed they will feel once they grow up. They’re actually the New Nazis which doesn’t go down in history that well. I wonder if their parents have even tried to advise them or were they raised by Democrats which is hopeless. I would pull my kids out of college if I found out they were involved. Defund them.

    But notice it is actually growing rather than shrinking which leads me to compare this is to the BLM Movement prior to the 2020 election. Lots of similarities. The BLM Movement grew and grew while the media was protecting them from being prosecuted. It was a mostly peaceful protest. I always thought the George Floyd incident was blown out of proportion to what really happened that day. It wasn’t racist. It was SOP for the police arresting a repeat felon who swallowed a pack of drugs which led to his death. But the left wanted it to be about race. They turned young folks and others into thinking we live in a systemic racist country. Which we do not. But I digress.

    These pro-Palestine protesters are condoning the killing of babies, rape of women, and beheading of innocent Jews. This is the work of modern day Hitler (Soros), and the Jews are experiencing what they once lived through under Hitler. It needs to stop, but notice we have heard nothing from oatmeal-brain in the White House. He loves the word “pause” as he tells Israel to put their war on pause, and he reads (pause) from his teleprompter. These protests are spreading to less known state schools in California like Cal Poly in sleepy San Luis Obispo. It is disgusting.

    Hollywood (which is half run by the Jewish) has remained silent on this issue. But Michael Douglas says Joe is sharp as a tack which makes me sick that he is condoning the persecution of Jews while he is Jewish himself. These people are all sick. They will get what they deserve. In the meantime, my American Flag will blow in the wind until things change in our country, and no snowflake is going to cause it to come down. If you hate America, leave.

    Paying for a NDA is Not a Crime.

    If it was, half of congress would be behind bars.

    What Trump did when he paid Stormy to remain quiet has been done by other candidates for president, but they haven’t been federally indicted for clerical errors on their taxes. Bloomberg admitted to paying Non Disclosure Agreements to employees working for him. That is considered sexual harassment in the workplace. I wonder if he was able to write it off as a legal expense on his taxes? At least Trump has never sexually harassed a woman working for him. And he’s never had sex with another woman while holding an elected office like JFK, Johnson, Clinton, and many others did.

    Other candidates for president that were involved in affairs were holding elected office like Senator John Edwards when we discovered he had a baby momma that he was hushing up with money. He never got indicted for clerical errors on his taxes, did he?

    We hold elected candidates to a higher standard as they are role models, and hopefully they can keep their pants on while in office. As far as we know, Trump did that while holding office for four years. What he did prior to running for president shouldn’t be a deal breaker since he wasn’t holding an elected position as governor, senator, congressman, or even mayor. He was a man about town that was quite popular and attracted lots of women who apparently had low moral standards like Stormy and the dressing room socialite looking for a payday. That’s on them. What Trump did is between him and Melania.

    Why hasn’t Kamala’s taxes been gone over with a fine tooth comb as she had an affair with married mayor Willie Brown while she slept her way up to vice president. Did anyone check her taxes to see who paid for her rent? And why did the mayor not endorse her for president or VP? Because he knows where all the bodies are buried especially his mistress’s. And he’s heard her annoying laugh. So it’s okay for women to have an affair but not men? We all know Biden sexually harassed his assistant while VP, but that got buried faster than a dog’s bone.

    Statute of Limitations have runout on all these tax returns and no normal person would be indicted. But Biden sent in his henchmen to pump up the charges turning it into a federal felony vs state. By all rights, this case should be dismissed. We’ll see if Trump has one levelheaded legal-minded person on his jury of so-called peers in a venue that is pro-Democrat. Otherwise, he is in for a shitshow. His judge is acting very biased and punitive. He allowed the trial to stop early the second day for a juror that had a dental appointment, but wouldn’t allow Trump to attend his son’s high school graduation. That’s biased and punitive.

    Congress has had a slush fund for paying off women who make claims of sexual harassment for years. If it was a crime, there wouldn’t be a slush fund for it. Who handles the congress’s taxes? Governor Schwarzenegger had an affair with his nanny while in office. So you see, the list is endless but Trump gets indicted for hush money going to a professional sex worker who waited for him to run for president before committing extortion.

    This hush money trial is a sham and everyone knows it. But no one of authority is putting a stop to it. What all these trials are doing is weakening our country and setting us up for another 9-11 attack. Because when you take your eyes off the ball, you get hit in the face. They are a distraction from the mess Biden has gotten us into and a waste of Trump’s time. Let’s dismiss all charges and get back to regular scheduled programming. Running this country! Right now we are a train that has gone off the tracks.

    Democrats Break the Law “for the Greater Good.”

    I’ve been hearing the phrase “for the greater good” a lot lately in movies, reality shows, and in main stream media. What does it mean? It means we better be prepared to see the Democrats cheating in the next election under the guise of “for the greater good.” This is their way of relieving their conscience of breaking the law. But you can’t break the law under any circumstances.

    I watched an old liberal series on Netflix called The Resident. The later episodes clearly were anti-Republican especially against their governor and President Trump. The doctors would break hospital rules by moving transplant recipients up to the top of the list “for the greater good.” The dialog in the show claimed Trump would cut hospital funding, Medicare, and the coverage of pre existing conditions if he won. This is when I lost interest in the series as it was brainwashing young folks who don’t know any better. But what should I expect when Obama has content control over Netflix.

    If television shows were condoning hospitals to break the law “for the greater good” it convinced me that our government could do the same and have been for years. We pretty much know now that January 6th was one of those events where the FBI and the Democrats conspired against Trump to set him up. We also know from footage in the election offices what went on after hours on election night 2020. These events were considered “for the greater good” and no one has been held accountable for breaking the law.

    Another phrase that gets overused is “voting for the lesser of two evils.” Democrats used this a lot when they voted for Obama, Hillary, and Biden. Let’s get one thing straight. If that’s the way you vote, then stay home. I would never vote for evil on either side. Trump was not then and is not now. What they are doing to him is evil. Using the justice system to take out one’s opponent is nothing less than evil.

    We have evil people in our streets claiming to be Hamas and our government does nothing nor says anything. That is the real evil. It is almost as though the devil has taken over our country. I recently rewatched the movie Born on the Fourth of July where boys enlisted into the military during the Vietnam War with the intention of stopping communism from spreading to our country. How’s that working out now?

    The following things need to STOP if our country wants to remain prosperous, safe, peaceful, patriotic, and powerful, in no particular order:

    1. We need to stop sending our taxpayer dollars to countries that are not our allies. Sending money to Ukraine is no more than hush money and donations to the Democrat Party.
    2. We need to stop allowing illegal aliens into our country and deport the ones that we already allowed inside.
    3. We need to prosecute antisemites that are committing hate crimes in the streets of our cities, blocking traffic, closing down bridges, and intimidating Jewish students. They need to be arrested on the spot and serve long sentences. Also be expelled from their university.
    4. We need to stop men from trying to compete in women’s sports at all levels including school. If they try, they should be expelled or excluded from all competitions.
    5. We need to hold doctors, hospitals, schools, and parents accountable for giving their children puberty blockers and surgeries.
    6. We need to stop CRT being taught in schools across the nation as well as gender confusion to our children and remove books with sexual content.
    7. We need to show support for Israel and stop trying to straddle the fence between Israel and Iran. Also reinstate strict sanctions on Iran.
    8. We need to drill, frack, and produce fossil fuels again making us energy independent, rather than dependent on our enemies for oil.
    9. We need to finish building the wall, enforce laws on our books, reinstate “stay in Mexico”, and put troops on both sides of the southern border.
    10. We need to take DEI out of the military, focus on rebuilding it with biological males and females, and no transgenders surgeries allowed. We also need to reinvest in the military equipment we left behind in Afghanistan.
    11. We need a Universal Election Law that requires Voter ID, Residents and Citizens only, with matching signatures on file. We need observers at every voting station, same day voting, and eliminate mail in ballots unless out of country or homebound. Harvesting by a stranger should be illegal.
    12. We need to defund NPR, disallow the DMV to register people to vote, and hold the media and social media responsible for banning news stories.
    13. We need to require schools to begin with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
    14. And lastly, we need judges that follow the U.S. Constitution and not try to rewrite it or ignore it.

    I’m sure there are many more things to STOP in this country but this is a good start to getting us back on track. So when you hear someone say they did it “for the greater good” or they are “voting for the lesser of two evils” please call them out on that. There’s no excuse for breaking the law or voting for evil.

    Biden’s Theme Song.

    They didn’t listen to, “Don’t…don’t…don’t.”

    “You better not or else.” “You’ll see dire consequences.” “We’ll bomb the living daylights out of you.” Nothing like that. Just “Don’t” to give off a vague and misleading warning.

    Biden is weak on the world stage and it shows.

    Will a Trump Win be Too Late to Reverse the Damage?

    More and more I see our country becoming unrecognizable from the policies and appeasement Joe Biden has enacted. Joe says Trump wants to “turn back the clock” but we all do. I just worry that it will be too little too late when Trump wins again. How can he reverse all the illegals that have entered our country? He’s not Superman that can fly around the Earth in the opposite direction to turn back time. But he will be able to get control of the border on day one by instructing border control to enforce the laws currently on the books. Then later finish the wall and end catch and release.

    Iran has essentially declared war on Israel. Since we are Israel’s ally, we will get dragged into a war if this escalates any further. Joe has made Iran rich by attacking our fossil fuel industry and made our country poor. We have a weak, ailing, corrupt president at the helm and seven months before the next election. Anything can happen between now and then. And this is what I fear.

    Our government is filled with liberal activists hired by Joe including the FBI starting with Chris Wray. Will Trump have to fire them all or take the chance that they are not there to undermine him like they did before listening in and recording his phone calls then trying to impeach him? Whistleblowers hired by Biden that come forward with false allegations again? Or will Trump be able to screen them all out before this occurs again? We have to wonder.

    The transgender movement, which was started by Joe, has migrated into our schools affecting children at young ages. Joe condones puberty blockers and hospitals performing sex changes. It is outrageous and contagious. It needs to be nipped in the bud. Will Trump be able to do this? We have to wonder.

    Trump has promised not one dime be sent to schools teaching Critical Race Theory or sexual content in grade school including books that contain this. He also is promising that no biological men can compete in women’s sports. But is it too late? Most schools and sports have already been introduced to this nonsense. Any parent that allows their child to change their gender is committing child abuse and needs to be aware of this. Will Trump be able to reverse the damage? We have to wonder.

    Crime is another issue that is at a fever pitch due to corrupt attorney generals, mayors, judges, and governors in sanctuary states that do not prosecute criminals but rather release them the same day. No bail, no consequences, so they become repeat offenders. Does Trump have become the power to fire these officials, or do they have to be voted out? The police only arrest based on what their city allows them to do. In NYC anything goes as well as Chicago. A thug can murder someone, be caught with the smoking gun, and then released the same day as long as he is the correct race. This is where we are at. If he’s white, they’ll throw the book at him. Unequal enforcement of the law. Can Trump reverse this? We have to wonder.

    We have self-loathing Jew, George Soros-funded pro-Palestine activists disrupting universities, streets, buildings, churches, synagogues, and museums across the nation, and they are allowed to continue. They are clearly antisemites, but this administration doesn’t acknowledge that. Will Trump be able to arrest them or has it gone on so long and grown so big that he won’t be able to curtail it? We have to wonder.

    We also have the climate change, LBGTQ, and abortion activists disrupting fossil fuel, pro life organizations, and religious events. Do they get arrested? No. Will Trump be able to put and end to their illegal behavior? We have to wonder.

    Trump will have so much to UNDO when he wins that it will almost take the super power of a Superman to perform. When he wins, will he be able to deal with the election deniers like Hillary and the MSM; Hollywood activists like Cher, Judd, Depp, DeNiro, and Madonna; the social media coverup artists like Zuckerbucks, the climate change nuts like Gore, AOC, Gates, and Kerry, and all the elected Democrats like Schumer in Congress. Short of a divine intervention, Trump’s got his work cut out for him. We have to wonder. But if anyone can do it, Trump can.

    Democrat’s Latest Strategy: Blame Trump for all Biden’s Foibles.

    Lately in the “news” Biden’s minions have been instructed to explain away the weaknesses in Biden’s presidency by blaming them on Trump. They are so obviously false that they have to be choreographed by none other than the White House.

    Here are some of their outrageous claims in no particular order:

    1. “The recent chaos at the border was caused by Trump who left Biden with a broken immigration plan and hasn’t allowed congress to pass a new one.”
    2. “Trump has been for defunding the police and why crime has risen.”
    3. “Trump is for open borders.”
    4. “Trump is planning to steal the next election.”
    5. “If Trump gets in office, he’ll never leave.”
    6. “Trump will be a dictator and punish his opponents and critics if he gets in office.”
    7. “Trump tried to change the results of the 2020 election by inciting an insurrection.”
    8. “Trump launched the most serious threat to our government since the Civil War on Jan. 6.”
    9. “Trump’s followers trust people without questioning the obvious discrepancies or relying on their own eyes.”
    10. “Trump’s followers have bought into the lies.”
    11. “Trump committed rape.”
    12. “Trump is the biggest threat to freedom of speech and the press.”
    13. “If Trump wins, he’ll call up the media and ask certain anchors to be fired.”
    14. “Conservative news outlets don’t live by the same rules as the rest of us.”
    15. “Trump is old, out of shape, and can’t remember his wife’s name.”
    16. “Crime is down in D.C.”
    17. “Trump is the biggest threat to our democracy.”
    18. “Trump wants to abolish Medicare and Social Security.”
    19. “Trump wants to jail women and doctors for abortions.”
    20. “Trump voters are MAGA extremists not Republicans.”

    Next we will be hearing that Trump promoted the transgender movement, wants men in women’s sports, loves CRT in schools, promotes puberty blockers, promotes reparations and paying student loans off, wants to raise taxes, promotes criminals being released, loves tent cities, loves squatters, encourages homelessness, wants to pack the court, started the war in Israel and Ukraine, is against drilling for oil, has promoted EV cars, wants to raise the interest rates, wants to ship jobs overseas, and wants to tear down the wall. Whatever the Democrats say from here on out until the election will be lies.

    It’s all Joe has is to BLAME TRUMP for all his weaknesses and failures. He has no good accomplishments. ZERO. Even JFK Jr. has said, “Biden is the biggest threat to our democracy.”

    To Kill or Not to Kill the Messenger? That is the Question.

    Over the years I have found myself to be the keeper of secrets. People seem to want to gossip about a neighbor, friend, or family member to me and ask that I not say anything. They need not have asked as I don’t like being the bearer of rumors whether they be true or not. Nothing good will come from telling the subject of the rumor who said it. It would cause a riff in their relationship.

    I starting thinking about this recently as a few years back a cousin who I used to be fond of told me some disturbing rumors that another cousin was spreading about my family. None of which were true. But what did she gain by telling me? I immediately became unfriendly with the cousin who said the rumor and never confronted him with what she told me as it would have ruined his relationship with her. So you see, the messenger didn’t leave me much options. I have been avoiding the messenger ever since as I thought it was cruel for her to even tell me such a stupid rumor. She should have disputed the rumor with the cousin rather than tell me of it. In that sense, I have killed the messenger.

    I’ve never wanted to be the messenger. What good does it do? I could have told my close by neighbor that her best friend was telling people that she adopted her kids. But I didn’t. I’ve never told a soul. I didn’t even tell my husband as he is a blabbermouth. I could have told my friend that her esteemed vet is making fun of her unhealthy dog at parties. But I didn’t. He would have lost a client, and she would have been hurt. I don’t like to be the bearer of news that will hurt someone, end a friendship, or change someone’s opinion of another.

    So being a messenger is not always good especially in reality shows like The Housewives as everyone of those ladies will spread any rumor they hear back to the target of the rumor which causes friendships to end in turmoil. Then they will stupidly say, “Don’t kill the messenger.” Not cool to do. Keep it to yourself. Or as my mother used to say, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I have sort of lived by that mantra. But all bets are off in politics as those characters need whistleblowers, tattletales, and messengers to expose them for who they really are. That’s when you don’t kill the messenger.

    Bottom line: Killing the messenger is underrated. Do it. Figuratively of course. And don’t be the messenger. Keep it to yourself.

    Red Flags Evident During Presser of Collapse of Key Bridge.

    The moment I saw that bridge collapse like an Erector Set I had suspicion. It looked all too easily accomplished without any alarms or diversions coming to the ship’s aid. Something was up. The FBI was on the scene way too quickly to assure us it wasn’t a terror attack. Whenever they assure us this early, I see red flags popping up. Rush to judgment. Shades of Hillary and Obama coming to the mic.

    The representative for NTSB came to the mic and couldn’t tell us what nationality the crew was. She either knew and was lying or didn’t check which is incompetent. She also couldn’t tell us whether anchors were deployed to stop the ship from drifting or if the support beams had fenders. But they were all quick to commend the heroes for their efforts to save two construction workers and stop traffic preventing more causalities. They also were quick to tell us that the bridge was “built to code.” Then Buttigeig left his home from breastfeeding to come to the mic to give us his eloquent words of nonsense. What a wasted pick for the Department of Transportation he was. Pothole Pete was his nickname.

    What are they keeping from us? This was a major bridge to the D.C. area that all our government employees use and apparently Biden too. Not! Was it a cyber attack on our government, shipping industry, and infrastructure? Biden certainly has a lot of enemies out there including Russia. Take your pick.

    “Investigative journalist Lara Logan is reporting that the destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore Harbor on Tuesday, March 26, by a Singapore-flagged commercial ship was a “Black Swan event.”

    Logan cites “multiple intel sources,” for her reporting and said the U.S. intelligence community is aware that the crashing of the bridge was an attack, not an accident.

    The FBI almost immediately issued a statement that the attack was not in any way tied to terrorism, but this was nothing more than a deliberate attempt to deceive the American people, Logan reports.”

    This administration has a history of keeping things from us so obviously we are suspect. They told us the covid virus came from a bat in a market. They assured us Hunter’s laptop was Russia disinformation. They told us they couldn’t determine how the cocaine found in the White House got there. We still don’t know how the Maui firestorm started other than blaming climate change. Whenever a transgender shoots up a school, they won’t call it a hate crime. We still don’t know who blew up the Nordstream Pipeline. We were told the Chinese Spy Balloon was only a weather balloon. They spread the lie that the border control agents were racist and whipped migrants.

    They won’t tell us if the FBI infiltrated and incited the January 6th riot. They buried evidence that Trump asked for National Guard on J-6. They refuse to acknowledge that the 2020 election was rife with fraud in some states. They continue to lie by saying Trump committed rape, wants to be a dictator, won’t leave office if he wins, will retaliate against his enemies, said the KKK were good people, and committed an insurrection. They continue the lie that the covid vaccine boosters will prevent covid and that hydroxychloride is bad. They’ve lied to us for three years telling us “the border is closed”. And they even covered up for their police dog who bit the CIA more than twelve times. They are coverup artists.

    There are many more secrets they keep from us; too numerous to list. This is the most secretive administration in U.S. History so why not suspect that the “bridge accident” was a terror attack by one of our adversaries? Remember they buried the Benghazi terror attack during an election year? Do the math. This is their M.O. Don’t be surprised, however, if they try to suggest Trump Extremists were behind the “accident” or Trump turned down bills to reinforce the old bridge with fenders. When all else fails, blame Trump is their mantra.

    Republican Party. Still the One That I Belong To.

    So glad I didn’t fall for all the Democrats’ tricks and lies. I’ll stick with the Republican Party.

    Looks like we made it. Look how far we’ve come. We mighta took the long way. We knew we get there someday. They said, “I bet they’ll never make it.” But just look at us holding on. We’re still together, still going strong.

    You’re still the one I run to
    The one that I belong to
    You’re still the one I want for life

    Ain’t nothin’ better
    We beat the odds together
    I’m glad we didn’t listen
    Look at what we would be missin’

    They said, “I bet they’ll never make it”
    But just look at us holding on
    We’re still together, still going strong.

    You’re still the one I run to
    The one that I belong to
    You’re still the one I want
    You’re still the one that I love.

    Republican Party is still together and going strong. Still the one that I belong to. Glad we didn’t listen. Look at what we’d be missing. We’re holding on. You’re still the one party for me. Ain’t nothing better.

    Vote Republican all the way down the ticket this November to save our country from Crooked Joe.